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“Discover a World of Educational Opportunities With Our E-Learning Services”


E-learning refers to the use of technology for educational purposes, including online courses and virtual classrooms. It offers benefits such as convenience, flexibility, and interactive experiences through multimedia. E-learning has become popular for access to education and training, and is useful for organizations to teach students efficiently. It has the potential to revolutionize education by making it more accessible and effective.

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Strinosoft Systems

As an educational technology company, Strinosoft Systems is dedicated to providing high-quality, engaging learning experiences. Our team of experienced educators has carefully crafted lessons, materials, courses, and exams through extensive research and design. Our focus is on creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment that promotes student success.

We strive to set the bar for online, blended, and digital education worldwide. We support innovation by building communities and sharing information about high-quality online learning.


Class2Learn the brainchild of Strinosoft Systems was created with the goal of making online learning and homeschooling accessible to all students. By providing carefully crafted courses in the form of eBooks, videos, presentations, and reference materials, we hope to link students and instructors while also making learning simpler.

Class2Learn deploys SCORM-compliant packages to create dynamic learning materials. Our outstanding instructors have the ability to easily manage courses and add content while maintaining control over student access. Our custom assessment workflow model allows students to take assessments, track their progress through quick and easy assessments, and receive actionable feedback on their classroom experience.

We provide tools to assist students in finding scholarship information from various organizations and institutions. We also collaborate with educational institutions and government organizations to create, manage, and administer online platforms for Grades K through Grade 12 learning and evaluation.

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Our High-Quality e-Learning Services:

At Strinosoft Systems, we prioritize the needs of educators and students in today’s tech-driven learning environments. Our team is dedicated to providing the best online learning services to meet their needs and exceed their expectations.

LMS Development

LMS (Learning Management System) development refers to the creation and maintenance of software platforms that enable the delivery, tracking, and assessment of online learning programs. We customize LMS services according to organizational needs. Our LMS (Learning Management System) development typically involves the design and implementation of a platform that enables users to access course materials, participate in virtual classrooms, take quizzes and assessments, and track student’s progress.

Educational Content

We create educational content that is tailored to the specific needs and goals of students. This type of content can take many forms, such as instructional videos, interactive courses, assessments, and more. The content can be designed to be self-paced or facilitated by an instructor, and can be delivered online or in person. Its primary benefit is the ability to provide personalized, targeted learning experiences that are more effective than off-the-shelf materials.

Learning Platform Support

Provides assistance from a learning management system platform to help users effectively use and navigate the platform. This can include user guides, tutorial videos, FAQs, and customer support services such as email, phone, or chat support. Learning platform support helps ensure that users have the information and guidance they need to take full advantage of the platform’s features and capabilities

AI-based Learning Solutions

AI-based learning solutions are educational technologies that use artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the learning experience. These solutions can include adaptive learning systems, which adjust the difficulty and content of lessons based on a learner’s performance, and personalized learning platforms, which create customized learning paths based on a learner’s interests and needs. AI can also be used to automate tasks such as grading and feedback, allowing instructors to spend more time interacting with and supporting learners.

Standout features of Class 2 Learn

Teaching Materials

Teaching materials are an important factor in the success of a learning program, as they provide the foundation for student learning and can help to ensure that learners have a positive and effective learning experience. Our teaching materials are well-aligned with learning objectives, easy to understand and use. These materials include e-books, lectures, videos, assessments, and other resources that are used to support instruction.

Experienced teachers

Our experienced online teachers have a thorough understanding of virtual classroom technologies and are skilled at engaging and supporting students in a digital setting. They are adept at adapting to the challenges of online teaching, such as technical issues and ensuring equal access for all students. They are a valuable resource for students seeking to learn and grow online.

Online-centric teaching methods

They are specifically designed to be delivered and accessed online. These methods take advantage of the unique capabilities of the digital environment, such as the ability to access course materials from anywhere with an internet connection and a mix of synchronous and asynchronous elements, allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. Overall, online-centric teaching methods are a valuable tool for educators looking to deliver high-quality education in a digital environment.

User-centric mobile-friendly design

Our user-centric mobile-friendly design puts the user at the centre of the design process and focuses on creating easy and enjoyable mobile experiences. This includes optimizing layout, navigation, and usability, as well as making sure the design is responsive to different mobile screens. Companies can improve customer satisfaction and engagement by prioritizing the user experience and designing for mobile devices.

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Assessments and activities that challenge students

This activity challenges students to test their abilities and help them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These can include exams, quizzes, projects, group work, and problem-solving exercises. By providing challenging and engaging assessments and activities, we help students grow and learn.

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